Actually this issue can be any due to a vmdk also if it has an error.
If you have a bad disk It will prevent the vm from powering on
But, if there is a bad vmdk, esxi or vcenter will tell you which disk is your problem
When you have a problem with the path to a raw mapping (RDM),
for example when the path to your lun is dead, you will just get the vm hanging on the virtual bios/black screen
It has been like this for 10 mins. Itll stay this way.
If we look at the path for the lun its dead
I turned off the lun for the example to simulate a downed access path
You can also see the cpu go crazy
After removing the raw map the vm started to boot.
So either
Fix the path issue
Or if you need the vm up immediately remove the hard disk to let the vm boot.
In production I've seen this issue take out the management agents of a host so don't worry, but be aware.
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